5 Gifts Every Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day

5 Gifts Every Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day is approaching I thought that I would share some Mother’s Day gift ideas to help the dads out. Here are 5 things that all moms really want and they are completely FREE!

1. A Note of Appreciation from their Husband

Okay dad’s listen up. Even if your children are old enough that they can tell mom that they love her and all the reasons why they appreciate her, she still wants to hear from you too. You don’t even have to buy a card. You can just simply write on a plain ol piece of paper and I promise you she will love it. That note will mean more to her then any expensive hallmark card. Your wife doesn’t care what Hallmark has to say about her, she cares what you say about her. I know that this might be hard for you to do, but that is why it will mean so much more to your wife because she knows that you put time and effort into writing that note. Moms want to feel appreciated for all the hard work that they do that goes unnoticed almost every other day of the year. For the most part it is a thankless job being a mom, and we want our husbands to tell us that they think we are doing an amazing job. Moms need to hear that!

2. A Home Cooked Meal & No Dishes

Dad’s let’s be honest; moms do a majority of the planning and cooking when it comes to dinner (actually almost every meal, but for now I am just talking about dinner). Planning & cooking is exhausting and then after the meal is done all of those dishes need to be washed, which is another exhausting task. Treat mom to a dinner at home. YOU do all the planning, cooking and clean up for her. It will be a much-needed break for mom.  If your kids are old enough to help, get them involved in making the meal too. It will make it extra special!

3. A Massage

It doesn’t have to be a professional massage (Although we love those too..hint hint).  I am not talking about a little 5-minute shoulder massage either. Wait until the kids are in bed and then set the mood to help mom actually relax. Light some candles, put on calming music, have the lotion ready, and then get to massaging! Mama’s back is sore and achy from carrying around a baby or heavy toddler all day and this massage will feel like a million bucks.

4.  A Night Off

Let mom have a break and you take care of the kids for an evening! Whether that means letting her go out for the night with some friends or just locking herself in the bedroom with ice cream & Netflix. Either way you are in charge of the kiddos for the evening, which means you need to feed them dinner, give them a bath, and put them to bed. When the night is finished and you are exhausted, let that be a reminder of how amazing your wife is because she does all of that on a regular basis.

5. A Homemade Card or Picture.

Mom’s love homemade anything! Give your little one a blank piece of paper and let them go to town, or print off a picture for them to color. She will love the masterpiece your little one created for her!

By |2019-05-10T12:10:07+00:00May 10th, 2019|Craft Projects, Words From Mom|0 Comments

About the Author:

Hi I'm Megan, the founder of The World of Motherhood. I’m a stay-at-home mom to the most precious 2 little boys and married to the love of my life! In less than a year I went from being a girl who just graduated college, to being a married women, pregnant and living in a new state. I started this community in hopes that other moms would realize they are not alone in the world of motherhood.