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10 Reasons Why All Moms Are Strong

10 Reasons Why All Moms Are Strong

  1. You carried a baby around for 40 weeks (some more and some less, but still it’s a long time). You actually housed a living person inside of you and gave them all the nutrients that they needed to grow. As a result of carrying that baby, your body went through radical transformations and is forever changed. You have stretch marks, everything sags a little bit more, and ohh the crazy hormones you had to deal with (before and after the pregnancy). But it is the greatest joy knowing that you brought a little miracle into this world and that makes it all worth it.
  2. You gave birth! Hello that is amazing! They don’t call it “labor” for nothing… it’s a lot of work. It doesn’t matter if you had a c-section, or delivered naturally because at the end of the day you gave birth to a baby and that makes you strong! It is amazing how in the delivery room something just takes over (it must be that mommy superpower) and you can seriously do anything!
  3. You have to stay confident regardless of all the negative feedback you receive from others. For some reason everyone and their mother has an opinion about what you should do and how you should raise your child as soon as you become pregnant.  Being a parent is hard enough without people (sometimes even complete strangers) criticizing the decisions that you make for your family.
  4. You clean up poopy messes on a daily basis! Those poopy diapers sometimes stink to the high heavens, but you just do what you have to do and get the job done. Poop is just something you become very familiar with as a parent. I know it sounds gross if you have never had children but it’s just the reality of the situation and part of every day life. My husband and I don’t think its weird at all now when we have crazy poop stories to share about our little guy. Side Note: One time when my Little Man was a newborn he actually shot poop across his changing table into the soapy water bowl that I was using to give him a bath.
  5. You wear snot proudly. Okay maybe not proudly, but it can be on you shirt, pants, pretty much everywhere and it doesn’t even phase you.
  6. You have learned how to function on little to no sleep. This one is difficult and I don’t think any mom will tell you that she loves being up at all hours of the night, but those snuggles that come with the sleepless nights are the best. Even if your children are sleeping through the night, I don’t believe that moms ever sleep as soundly as they did before kids. Your mother instincts are still working in the middle of the night, which means you always have one ear attentive if your children cry or wake and need you. As a result coffee becomes your best friend! Now whether or not you can make it through a whole cup of coffee without forgetting about it or reheating it a millions times is another story. I’ll save that for another post!
  7. You are always prepared for whatever may come your way. Check out any moms diaper bag or car and you will see what I mean… snacks, wipes, hand sanitizer, snacks (always lots of snacks), drinks, change of clothes, diapers, changing pad, band aids, snacks (can never have too many of these), chapstick, toys, cream, and a million other things.
  8. You give selflessly and rarely get a thank you.
  9. You have the most difficult job that requires you to be on the clock 24/7 and you never get paid for it. Not only do you not get paid for it, but it costs you A LOT of money to be a mom because kids are expensive!
  10. And last, but certainly not least, you are raising the next generation and shaping the men and women of tomorrow. That is no small task!

By |2019-05-10T12:32:18+00:00May 10th, 2019|Encouraging Thoughts, Words From Mom|0 Comments

About the Author:

Hi I'm Megan, the founder of The World of Motherhood. I’m a stay-at-home mom to the most precious 2 little boys and married to the love of my life! In less than a year I went from being a girl who just graduated college, to being a married women, pregnant and living in a new state. I started this community in hopes that other moms would realize they are not alone in the world of motherhood.